Self portrait 3

The last of the self portraits! This one’s directions were just “anything [we] think is interesting,” and I find profiles to be interesting because they can look almost impromptu, like you’ve sketched the person while they were in the middle of something else. Except in this case, I sketched myself. So.

Anyway, this one is also graphite, and to keep up the pattern of using a different technique for each self portrait, this one involved gesture drawing strokes to create the shapes and forms, lights and darks, and no blending or highlight-pulling with erasers. It’s also my favorite of the three, because I think it looks most like me naturally, as opposed to me posed.



Self portrait 2 – weird face

The second self portrait in the series was to be of a silly, sad, angry, or otherwise odd face. I chose to draw this quizzical expression, mostly because I thought the way the facial muscles pulled around the eyebrows, nose, mouth, and chin looked cool. This is also done in graphite with a hatching technique for shading.


Self portrait 1

This is the first in a 3-part series of self portrait assignments. Each is supposed to show a different face or expression. This first one shows just a straight expression. For this I used my graphite pencils, which have been sorely neglected this term. Also used were erasers to pull out lights and highlights in the hair, and dry paint brushes for blending on the face (since I didn’t have any clean big tortillons, an early attempt with Kleenex proved nonviable, and I didn’t want to leave finger-streaks in the graphite).