Project 7 – App, pt 2

Just wrapping up from the last post about this app project now.

After the second round of feedback, I made sure to make some serious adjustments to font size throughout the app. I’d clumsily gotten used to looking at everything zoomed in where I was making small tweaks, and forgotten to check for readability at roughly the size of a real smartphone.

Other things that were added between stages: a fourth main menu item and its attendant pages, a contact info screen, a login screen, and a small user area.

This page from the PDF presentation shows the splash screen as well as the app icon, both standalone and in position on the phone’s main screen. Clicking this image opens up the entire PDF.


Project 7 – App, pt 1

This assignment is another doozy! For this, we were to design a mobile app that doesn’t but should exist. Every screen of the app would need to be created, as well as an icon for the app, and then the app would need to be mocked up in a PDF presentation.

My bookish and nerdy tendencies led me to a “baby name” generator that initially would pull from literature, but on suggestion of my husband, quickly expanded to include history and fandoms as well. There are tons of great names given to figures both fictional and larger-than-life, and if you mash them up, voilà, an even better name. With this app, there’s never a need to reach for the nearest object to hand when naming your baby (I’m looking at you, Blanket Jackson), or your pet, or your own character if you’re a writer. Hermione Havisham! That’s rad. Cersei Roosevelt! Or maybe don’t name your baby Cersei. But here I am, getting ahead of myself…

The first stage of the project was to come up with a few preliminary screens, to give an idea of what direction we were taking. Then we had another round of feedback a few days later, when we presented our progress thus far.

Here are the screen images of 1) the main progression from loading screen > about page > main menu (which at the time only included three items); 2) generating a name from the selections page > results; 3) searching for a name using the search form > results list; 4) submitting a name to the app’s database via the add form. I know these look tiny, but clicking any of them should embiggen the image for better viewing.

This project’s conclusion in the next post!